How to Study for the New Digital SAT

How to prep for the Digital PSAT & SAT

Task 1: Essential! The most important thing is to download the official College Board Bluebook app and try a Digital SAT on your own. There are only four official tests released (plus one Digital PSAT), so I always recommend saving tests 3 and 4 until later. However, taking SAT 1 is important so you know where you stand.

2. All About the Digital SAT (20-minute webinar)

3. Khan Academy practice problems, organized by topic and difficulty.


1. My free SAT Grammar video classes

2. My in-depth SAT Reading/Writing course

3. Settele Tutoring SAT Reading/Writing Strategy Videos

4. Buy my book, Mind the Test: SAT and ACT Grammar, recently updated for the Digital SAT.


1. My 50-minute math class: Desmos for the Digital SAT

2. My Top 3 SAT Math Strategies (self-paced video course)

3. Tutorllini free Digital SAT Math courses, including full test walkthroughs, Desmos guides, advanced math flashcard shorts, and focused content guides.

Finished all the official Digital SATs? Extra practice tests (not free) are available at some third-party websites:


Summer Camp 2024 (Grades 3-12)


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